Morris Lubricants Super Absorbent Floor Dressing

From 16.26 (ex.vat)

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Main application: Recommended to prevent, or minimise, damage from any spill or leak. Immediate use of granules following any spill can stop pollutants getting into drains, and in busy areas save the mess from being trodden around, or being spread by the tyres of fork lifts. It is strongly recommended some stock be held for emergencies. Present day legislation makes it the duty of management to be concerned about health and safety, fire hazards, aspects of spills and leaks, and subsequent emergency procedures.


Morris Lubricants Super Absorbent Floor Dressing

Absorbent beige granular material used to soak and clean up spillages and drips from floors.
They are inorganic, inert and porous, and will cleanly soak up water, all oils including soluble
oil emulsions and chemical solutions. Unlike many other products on the market, and
alternative absorbents such as sawdust, they are almost entirely dust free and can be safely
used where dust could be unpleasant or problem. It is unlikely that Floor Dressing
Granules will cause allergies, sneezing or rashes or other problems of this nature.
Absorbency is over 65% by volume for oil and an amazing 95% for water. Once the oil (or
other fluid) has been absorbed by the granules it remains absorbed by capillary action and
will not bleed out again from the pores of the material giving plenty of time to sweep or
shovel up the loaded granules for disposal. Clean water spillages or leaks can be stopped
from spreading to areas where damage to valuables would result. Floor Dressing Granules
are most noted for their special effectiveness in dealing with, and minimising damage from,
leaks and spillages of all types of lubricating oil, soluble oil emulsions, fuel oils, gas oil, derv
and creosote.

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